I didn't want to write about the election. It's a very difficult topic to address given the barrage of conspiracy theories and misinformation. And addressing even one question could take more analysis than I could fit into a single blog post. But understanding the current moment in our national politics requires a clear understanding of what happened and what is at stake.
Let me start by saying that I have no quarrel with the 74 million people who voted for Trump in 2020. Many of them are police officers, military veterans, firefighters, doctors, nurses, and others who would not hesitate to protect me and my family if we faced any dangers or needed care.
Also, I have no ill will for President Trump. I hope he and his family live a happy, peaceful life in Florida. While I personally feel his actions warrant being barred from future office, I believe it is much more important for our country to recognize the peril that we have all collectively placed our Republic in so that we can prevent this from happening ever again.
Trust in Our Institutions
Our institutions are built on trust. A good example of this is currency. Most people know that the "almighty dollar" is no longer backed by gold or silver. Its value is protected by the collective trust of the citizens of our country, and our neighbors around the world, that the dollar will continue to be accepted as "legal tender for all debts, public and private." You accept a dollar from me at your restaurant because you can go and use that dollar to buy milk at a grocery store - or to pay your taxes to the IRS.
Likewise, our election system is built on trust. For almost 250 years, our Republic has thrived and persisted thanks to a high level of trust in our institutions. Politicians from every party and office have accepted the results of our elections, with few exceptions. This despite fraud and errors at times being quite rampant. Many times, losers have challenged the results in courts. But once these disputes were resolved, a peaceful transfer of power has been the hallmark of American democracy.
As I will explain further below, President Trump's behavior since the Electoral College certified the results on December 14th was much like the moment in Mary Poppins when Mr. Dawes grabs Michael's tuppence, thus causing a run on the bank. It was the equivalent to the IRS announcing that they would no longer be accepting US Dollars for tax payments. As a trusted authority figure to many, by his persistence in claiming the election was rigged, Trump has eroded trust in our elections more than any actual instance of fraud could. Now we're all left with an electoral system that is more secure than it has ever been, but which is now devalued in the eyes of some voters. It may be too late to ever fully undo the damage.The question is whether there is evidence that such fraud or error was 1) systematic favoring one candidate and 2) sufficient to affect the result of the election.
Most candidates concede within the first night of results being reported because usually our elections are not close enough for both 1) and 2) to be true. The burden of proof is on the candidate who is alleging fraud.
Now I've said what I wanted to say.
But I understand that many people are nevertheless concerned about fraud in the 2020 election, so I will attempt to address some of the specific allegations directly. Others have attempted to do this more comprehensively, but I will cover at a high level.
Joe Biden won the 2020 election by a margin of 7 million popular votes (4.5%), and 74 electoral votes. Trump would have needed to win at least 3 additional states (Georgia, Arizona, and either Wisconsin or Pennsylvania) to win the election either outright or through an Electoral College tie settled by a Republican-favored House Contingent vote (where each state's delegation casts a single vote).
Every state conducted its election in accordance with standards implemented by their respective legislatures (note that the state legislatures of Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are all controlled by Republicans). This includes restrictions on registration (for example, in Arizona, you must have a valid Arizona address - no P.O. boxes allowed), testing of vote counting machines with bipartisan oversight, precinct poll measures (poll workers at each site must represent different political parties), counting of results (early ballot counters are from a bipartisan team; observers from all major parties, plus additional observers from each campaign; live video feed of ballot counting), resolving ballots that were not properly filled out (review by bipartisan team); post-election audits (sample of ballots traced from electronic tabulation of results to paper ballots); and recounts, as in Georgia, where ballots were recounted twice with minimal changes to the results each time.
Here's an article detailing the vote counting process in my home state of Arizona.
I listened to many of the arguments made by Trump and his legal team, and found them to be seriously flawed. For example, it was often repeated that there were "more votes than voters" in some jurisdictions. I sampled a couple of the states they were talking about and was easily able to confirm, based on publicly available registration records, that these statements were completely false. (Often their statements used stale data to lend an air of credibility to their claims.)
Claims were also made that ballot "dumps" added to Biden's margin. I have watched election results for my entire adult life and every single time, when results from an urban precinct come in, the total for the Democrat always goes up precipitously while the Republican's vote total barely changes.
That's because, as everyone who knows a lick about politics is aware, black voters overwhelming vote for Democrats. In a city like Philadelphia, for example, where whites are a minority, it is no surprise to see a precinct in the inner city to report 90% - 10% for Biden. Nor is it a surprise to see a large batch of votes all reported from such a precinct at the same time late at night when rural precincts have already reported. Urban precincts are more densely populated and so counting takes more time.
Nor was it unexpected for mail-in ballots (which Trump discouraged his voters to use) to come in overwhelmingly for Biden, a phenomenon which was widely reported in the weeks leading up to the election. Here's an article from October explaining how the results in Pennsylvania would flip overnight as mail-in ballots were opened, verified, and counted.
If you aren't convinced by the actual certified votes which were upheld by the courts, just consider from a high level whether the results make sense. Donald Trump narrowly won in 2016 by a margin of 80,000 votes in 3 states (MI, WI, and PA) in a country of 340 million people against the most unpopular candidate in our lifetimes up to that point. All Biden needed to do to win was convince 80,000 non-Clinton voters, barely enough people to fill a stadium, to vote for him (keep in mind that Trump 2016 voters count double since it both takes away one vote from Trump and adds to Biden).
Yes, Trump convinced a lot more people to vote for him this time - 74 million votes in 2020 vs. 63 million in 2016. That can largely be explained by the rise of mail-in ballots (which made it far easier to vote) and population growth, as well as the high stakes of the election for both sides. Trump made some inroads with certain Hispanic and black voters, but still lost both groups by wide margins. Ultimately, Biden's win came from shifts in white college-educated voters from Trump / third-party in 2016 to Biden in 2020.
Voters exactly like me. Many, many of my friends, colleagues, and acquaintances have reached out to me publicly and privately affirming that they did the same thing. It shouldn't be hard to believe that Biden, a benign and boring career politician, could do just a hair better than Clinton.
If you look at the certified results by state, you will see that Biden did on average 2.35% better than Clinton. All he needed was a fraction of that to win (in 2016, Trump won Pennsylvania, the tipping point state, by 0.7%). There were only a handful of states where Trump did better in 2020 than in 2016 - states with large Hispanic / Asian populations (HI, CA, FL, NV), which are groups Trump made inroads with; Clinton's original home state of Arkansas (a home-state bump is a well known phenomenon); and Utah, a state that had a strong anti-Trump attitude in 2016 that caused a large 3rd party vote (2.5%) that swung back to Trump in 2020.
In every other state (44 out of 50), Biden improved by an average of 2-3 points, in some cases as much as 6-7%. That includes Republican strongholds like Alabama (2.3%), Idaho (1.0%), Indiana (3.1%), Kentucky (3.9%), and Texas (3.4%). These results are perfectly consistent with Biden's performance nationwide. Unless you think that a widescale fraud was perpetrated on the presidential ballot of 44 independently run electoral systems, the 2% average swing toward Biden nationally and in the swing states is supported by the preponderance of evidence.
In short, Biden won. It's as simple as that.
If you are still concerned about electoral fraud in your state, please write to your state legislators. They are the ones charged by the Constitution (Article II Section 1) with running your elections, and they alone have the power to introduce additional safeguards for future elections.
Very well put together. Thank you Jeff!
Thanks, Chris!
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